Consulting & Digital Services
In this new age with a dynamic environment, many organizations have taken priority initiatives to digitize their operations to achieve a sustainable business.
While going through business transformation leveraging the new concepts like Data Science, AI, VR - organizations often lose sight of the basic essential aspects of digitization. In the quest to achieve sustainability of the business, the success and sustainability of its digital platforms often get overlooked.
Shuvhora focuses on business sustainability through Consultancy and Digital services.
Our Services
Organizations embark on business-critical IT automation projects.
Often such projects run into an inordinate delay due to inadequate program management and risk mitigation strategy. Such delay results in escalated costs and negative business impact
Organizations take up various process automation initiatives to support their business growth and future sustainability.
But most of these developments lack quality documentation of the process, developed platform and User guides. ​
​Shuvhora provides Free Translation services in specific few areas like:
-> Translation of Process Documentation
-> Translation of User Guides
-> Translation of Books/ Short Stories
>> App localisation**